Jan von Allwörden/DAAD

ERASMUS-Programme, Study Abroad, University of Utrecht NL UTRECHT01

Offered: 2 persons, 10 months each

The University of Utrecht is the largest university in the Netherlands, located in the city of Utrecht and has approximately 24,000 students.


Utrecht University
P.O Box 80125
3508 TC Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 30 253 70 00


Study level:

Bachelor + Master


Term dates:

Period I: End of August - mid December
(Holidays: middle of December- end of January)

Period II: End of January - mid May
(Holidays: middle - end of February)

Period III: End of May - End of June
(Holidays: beginning of July - end of August)


ERASMUS Coordinator for Sciences

Liesbeth Achterberg
Science International Relations Officer
Science International Office
Faculty of Science
Utrecht University
Buys Ballot building, room 1.19
Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Tel.: + 31 30 253 7315
E-mail: science.internationaloffice@uu.nl


Iris Caris-Dentener
Science International Erasmus+ Coordinator
Buys Ballotgebouw
Princetonplein 5
Room 1.19
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 30 253 7292
E-mail: I.K.Caris@uu.nl