Jan von Allwörden/DAAD

ERASMUS-Programme, Study Abroad, (Autonome) University of Barcelona E BARCELO02


Offered: 2 persons, 10 months each

The University of Barcelona is a state university in the Spanish city of Barcelona. It was founded in 1450 and its faculties are spread over the following campuses in the city and its surroundings: the University Campus, the Raval Campus, the Diagonal Campus, the Bellvitge Campus, the Torribera Campus, the Mundet Campus, the Sants Campus and the Hospital Clinic Campus.



Plaça Cívica UAB Campus
08193 Bellaterra (BARCELONA) SPAIN
Tel.: +34 93 581 2210 / 3736
email: erasmus@uab.cat


Study level:

Bachelor + Master


Term dates:

First Term: Beginning of September - End of January

Second Term: Beginning of February - Beginning of July

Christmas: Christmas week - Beginning of January

Easter: 1-2 weeks around Easter


ERASMUS Coordinator (University)

Marta Vilalta
International Relations Area
Àrea de Relacions Internacionals, Erasmus
Plaça Cívica, Ed. N
08193 Bellaterra

Tel: +34 93 586 8499
Fax: +34 93 581 3264
email: erasmus@uab.cat


ERASMUS Coordinator (Faculty)


Vicenç  Méndez
Office C3/114
Tel: + 34 93 581 25 75