Begutachtete Publikationen
Amplitude determination for MM->MM, M=pi, K and cross-sections for gamma gamma -> pi^+pi^-, pi^0pi^0, pi^0 eta in a chiral model
S. P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University (ITP), R. H, Lemmer (deceased) and Alireza Beygi (Frankfurt University), accepted for publication, European Physical Journal A, 2025.
Three perspectives on entropy dynamics in a non-Hermitian two-state system
Alexander Felski (MPIL, Erlangen), Alireza Beygi (Frankfurt University), Christos Karapoulitidis and S. P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University (ITP)
2024 Phys. Scr.
Dyson-Schwinger equations in zero dimensions and polynomial approximations
Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis), Christos Karapoulitidis, and S. P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP)
Phys. Rev. D 108, 056002 (2023) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.056002
Underdetermined Dyson-Schwinger Equations
Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis), Christos Karapoulitidis, and S. P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 101602 (2023) DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2211.13026
Thermodynamic properties of non-Hermitian Nambu--Jona-Lasinio models
Alexander Felski (Heidelberg University, ITP), Alireza Beygi (Frankfurt University), and S. P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP)
Published in Phys. Rev. D 107, 016015 (2023) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.016015
Towards perturbative renormalization of φ^2(iφ)^ε
Alexander Felski (Heidelberg University, ITP), Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis), S. P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP) and Sarben Sarkar (King's College, London)
Published in Phys. Rev. D 104, 085011 (2021) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.085011
Fermion and meson mass generation in non-Hermitian Nambu--Jona-Lasinio models
Alexander Felski and S. P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP)
Published in Phys. Rev. D 103, 056007 (2021) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.056007
Non-Hermitian extension of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model in 3+1 and 1+1 dimensions
Alexander Felski, Alireza Beygi, and S. P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP)
Published in Phys. Rev. D 101, 116001 (2020) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.116001
Continuous quantum phase transition in the fermionic mass solutions of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model
Alireza Beygi, S. P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP), and Richard H. Lemmer (deceased)
Published in Phys. Rev. D 101, 036005 (2020) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.036005
Relativistic PT-symmetric fermionic theories in 1+1 and 3+1 dimensions
Alireza Beygi, S. P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP), and Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis)
Published in Phys. Rev. A99, 062117 (2019) DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.99.062117
PT-symmetric quantum field theory in D dimensions
Carl M. Bender, Nima Hassanpour (Washington U., St. Louis), S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP) and Sarben Sarkar (King's College, London)
Published in Phys. Rev. D 98, 125003 (2018) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.125003
No-signaling principle and quantum brachistochrone problem in PT-symmetric fermionic two- and four-dimensional models
Alireza Beygi and S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP)
Published in Phys.Rev. A 022105 (2018)
Analytic eigenvalue structure of a coupled oscillator system beyond the ground state
Alexander Felski and S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP)
Published in Phys.Rev. A 98, 012127 (2018)
Two- and four-dimensional representations of the PT- and CPT-symmetric fermionic algebras
Alireza Beygi, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP) and Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis)
Published in Phys.Rev. A 97, 032128 (2018)
Instantaneous modulations in time-varying complex optical potentials
Armen G Hayrapetyan (MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden), S P Klevansky (U. Heidelberg, ITP & Witwatersrand U.) and Jörg B Gütte (MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden,U. Glasgow and U. Nanjing).
Published in New J. Phys. 19 (2017) 105002
Behavior of eigenvalues in a region of broken-PT symmetry
Carl M. Bender, Nima Hassanpour (Washington U., St. Louis), Daniel W. Hook (Imperial Coll., London & Washington U., St. Louis), S.P. Klevansky (U. Heidelberg, ITP), Christoph Sünderhauf (Washington U., St. Louis & U. Heidelberg, ITP), Zichao Wen (Washington U., St. Louis & Beijing, GUCAS & Beijing, Acad. Math. Syst. Sci.).
Published in Phys.Rev. A95 (2017) 052113
Analytic structure of eigenvalues of coupled quantum systems
Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis), Alexander Felski, Nima Hassanpour (Washington U., St. Louis), S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg University, ITP), Alireza Beygi (Heidelberg University, ITP).
Published in Phys.Scr. 92 (2017) 015201
Coupled Oscillator Systems Having Partial PT Symmetry
Alireza Beygi (U. Heidelberg, ITP), S.P. Klevansky (U. Heidelberg, ITP & Witwatersrand U.), Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis).
Published in Phys.Rev. A91 (2015) 6, 062101
Systems of coupled PT-symmetric oscillators
Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis & London, City U.), Mariagiovanna Gianfreda (Washington U., St. Louis & Tokyo U., Komaba), S.P. Klevansky (U. Heidelberg, ITP & Witwatersrand U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. A90 (2014) 2, 022114
Generation of families of spectra in PT-symmetric quantum mechanics and scalar bosonic field theory
Steffen Schmidt, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phil.Trans.Roy.Soc.Lond. A371 (2013) 20120049
Negative-energy PT-symmetric Hamiltonians
Carl M. Bender (King's Coll. London), Daniel W. Hook (Imperial Coll., London & Washington U., St. Louis), S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in J.Phys. A45 (2012) 444003
PT-Symmetric Representations of Fermionic Algebras
Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis), S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. A84 (2011) 024102
Response to Shalaby's Comment on `Families of Particles with Different Masses in PT-Symmetric Quantum Field Theory'
Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis), S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Decay of kaonium in a chiral approach
S.P. Klevansky, R.H. Lemmer (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Lett. B702 (2011) 235-241
Families of particles with different masses in PT-symmetric quantum field theory
Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis), S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 105 (2010) 031601
Nonunique C operator in PT Quantum Mechanics
Carl M. Bender (Washington U., St. Louis), S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Lett. A373 (2009) 2670-2674
Transport theory for a scalar quark & gluon model
D.S. Isert, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Eur.Phys.J. A12 (2001) 453-477
Collision integral for multigluon production in a model for scalar quarks and gluons
D.S. Isert, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Talk given at Conference: C99-09-29, p.369-374 Proceedings
The Das-Mathur-Okubo sum rule for the charged pion polarizability in a chiral model
S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.), Richard H. Lemmer (Julich, Forschungszentrum), C.A. Wilmot (Witwatersrand U.).
Published in Phys.Lett. B457 (1999) 1-8
The Phase diagram and bulk thermodynamical quantities in the NJL model at finite temperature and density
T.M. Schwarz, S.P. Klevansky, G. Papp (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. C60 (1999) 055205
Kinetics of scalar quarks and gluons
D.S. Isert, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in In *Trento 1999, Understanding deconfinement in QCD* 272-274
Transition rates for q anti-q ---> pi pi pi in a chiral model
D.S. Isert, S.P. Klevansky, P. Rehberg (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Nucl.Phys. A643 (1998) 275-302
pi K scattering lengths at finite temperature in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
P. Piwnicki, S.P. Klevansky, P. Rehberg (Heidelberg U.). Apr 1998. 35 pp.
Published in Phys.Rev. C58 (1998) 502-516
Chiral symmetry breaking in hot matter
S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Lect.Notes Phys. 516 (1999) 113-161
Pi pi scattering in the rho meson channel at finite temperature
Y.B. He, J. Hufner, S.P. Klevansky, P. Rehberg (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Nucl.Phys. A630 (1998) 719-742
Derivation of transport equations for a strongly interacting Lagrangian in powers of anti-H and 1 / N(c)
S.P. Klevansky, A. Ogura, J. Hufner (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Annals Phys. 261 (1997) 37-73
Spectral density functions and their sum rules in an effective chiral field theory
S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.), Richard H. Lemmer (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.).
e-Print: hep-ph/9707206 | PDF
Pion polarizabilities at finite temperature
A.E. Dorokhov, M.K. Volkov (Dubna, JINR), J. Hufner, S.P. Klevansky, P. Rehberg (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Z.Phys. C75 (1997) 127-135
Confinement in the Coulomb gauge model
T. Wilke, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Annals Phys. 258 (1997) 81-110
Developing transport theory to study the chiral phase transition: Lecture 10
S.P. Klevansky, A. Ogura, P. Rehberg, J. Hufner (Heidelberg U.).
Published in In *Les Houches 1997, New non-perturbative methods and quantization on the light cone* 73-79
Hadronization in the SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
P. Rehberg, S.P. Klevansky, J. Hufner (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. C53 (1996) 410-429
Chirally invariant transport equations for quark matter
W. Florkowski, J. Hufner, S.P. Klevansky, L. Neise (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Annals Phys. 245 (1996) 445-463
Transport properties of a quark plasma and critical scattering at the chiral phase transition
P. Zhuang, J. Hufner, S.P. Klevansky, L. Neise (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. D51 (1995) 3728-3738
Lambda phi**4 nonequilibrium dynamics and kinetic field theory
F.M.C. Witte, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
e-Print: hep-th/9501025 | PDF
Thermodynamics of a quark plasma in the mean field
J. Hufner, S.P. Klevansky, P. Zhuang (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Acta Phys.Polon. B25 (1994) 85-98
pi - pi scattering lengths at finite temperature
E. Quack, P. Zhuang, Yu. Kalinovsky, S.P. Klevansky, J. Hufner (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Lett. B348 (1995) 1-6
Hadronization cross-sections at the chiral phase transition of a quark plasma
J. Hufner, S.P. Klevansky, E. Quack, P. Zhuang (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Lett. B337 (1994) 30-36
Thermodynamics of a quark plasma beyond the mean field: A generalized Beth-Uhlenbeck approach
J. Hufner, S.P. Klevansky, P. Zhuang (Heidelberg U.), H. Voss (Rostock U.).
Published in Annals Phys. 234 (1994) 225-244
Thermodynamics of a quark - meson plasma in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
P. Zhuang, J. Hufner, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Nucl.Phys. A576 (1994) 525-552
Chiral perturbation theory and the SU(2) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model: A Comparison
J. Mueller, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. C50 (1994) 410-422
Neutral pion photodecay and weak decays of charged pions at finite temperature
S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Nucl.Phys. A575 (1994) 605-622
Effective 1/N(c) expansion in the NJL model
E. Quack, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. C49 (1994) 3283-3288
Thermodynamics of open and hidden charmed mesons within the NJL model
F.O. Gottfried, S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Phys.Lett. B286 (1992) 221-224
The Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model of quantum chromodynamics
S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.). 1992.
Published in Rev.Mod.Phys. 64 (1992) 649-708
Collective modes of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with an external U(1) gauge field
S.P. Klevansky, J. Janicke (Heidelberg U.), Richard H. Lemmer (Munich, Tech. U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. D43 (1991) 3040-3048
Effects of finite size and chiral symmetry on pair production in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with a constant U(1) gauge field
S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.).
Published in Nuovo Cim. A104 (1991) 1035-1050
Interpretation of e+ e- peaks in heavy ion collisions as a Lee-Wick phase transition
S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.), Richard H. Lemmer (Munich, Tech. U.).
Published in Nuovo Cim. A103 (1990) 941-947
Relation between the Lee-Wick and Nambu-Jona-Lasinio models of chiral symmetry breaking
S.P. Klevansky (Heidelberg U.), Richard H. Lemmer (Munich, Tech. U.).
Published in Z.Phys. A336 (1990) 223-228
Chiral symmetry restoration in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with a constant electromagnetic field
S.P. Klevansky, Richard H. Lemmer (Witwatersrand U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. D39 (1989) 3478-3489
Chiral symmetry breaking at finite temperatures
S.P. Klevansky (Technion), Richard H. Lemmer (Frankfurt U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. D38 (1988) 3559-3565
Chiral symmetry breaking at finite temperatures
S.P. Klevansky (Witwatersrand U.).
Published in In *Les Arcs 1988, Proceedings, Current issues in hadron physics* 421-424.
Ginzburg-landau Equation For An Interacting Quark Gas
S.P. Klevansky, R.H. Lemmer (Witwatersrand U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. D35 (1987) 2866-2873
On The Fission Mechanism Of An Ellipsoidal Mit Bag. 2
S.P. Klevansky, Richard H. Lemmer (Frankfurt U.).
Published in J.Phys. G11 (1985) 1103-1115
On The Fission Mechanism Of An Ellipsoidal Mit Bag
S.P. Klevansky, Berndt Muller, W. Greiner (Frankfurt U.).
Published in J.Phys. G10 (1984) 1487-1505
Deep-lying hole states in nuclei: Microscopic approach
S.P. Klevansky, Richard H. Lemmer (Witwatersrand U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. C28 (1983) 1763-1778
Deep-lying hole states in the optical model
S.P. Klevansky, Richard H. Lemmer (Witwatersrand U.).
Published in Phys.Rev. C25 (1982) 3137-3145