52. Heidelberger Physik Graduiertentage

2024-04-08 - 2024-04-12

list of Lectures

TESTBEAM SCHOOL @ DESY (leaving Sunday, 7th April, return Saturday, 13th April.)

Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon and Felix Sefkow

Heidelberg University and DESY, Hamburg

In the context of the HGSFP Graduate Days the Heidelberg HighRR
Research Training Group together with DESY will offer a full week hands-on
course at the DESY test-beam facility. The event will comprise hands-on
training on particle tracking with silicon devices, on timing detectors and
on calorimetry with some introductory lectures on instrumentation. The
course takes place at DESY and lasts from Monday morning to Friday
afternoon. In total there are 36 places available with priority for HighRR
doctoral students; details on application modalities will be announced in
time. Expenses for the accommodation in the DESY hostel and the bus trip to Hamburg will be covered by the HighRR. Link:

IMPORTANT: The bus to Hamburg will leave on Sunday, 7th April. The return trip to Heidelberg will be on Saturday, 13th April.