2023-04-11 - 2023-04-14
Maarten DeKieviet
Heidelberg University
Good writing skills are an important prerequisite for acquiring a Bachelor and Master degree, but even more so for a PhD. In technical professions as well as in science, information is mainly disseminated by means of written documents. Hence your future career in industry or science will likely be more successful when you are a good writer.
Developing good writing skills requires an intensive training over many years, in which the sensitivity for identifying weak writing is continuously increased, and the writing style is improved, based on critical self-evaluation. In this course, you will be trained in recognizing weak writing and you will learn techniques for improving your writing style. In addition, a variety of technical aspects connected to scientific writing are taught, in particular the art of producing crisp tables and clear figures that convey a message. Strictly speaking, the course is obviously not only about “writing”, but rather about clear communication.
The course consists of four lectures, accompanied by discussions and exercises. Therefore, the number of students that can be maximally be admitted is limited to 20.