49th Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days

2022-10-10 - 2022-10-14

list of Lectures

Semiconductor Detectors - Fundamentals and Applications

Norbert Wermes

University of Bonn

Semiconductor detectors, most notably silicon micro-pattern detectors, constitute today’s detector type of choice for particle tracking and vertexing in high energy physics experiments. The lecture series will give a tour through the physics, technology and applications of such detectors and will contain the following content: 

- Fundamentals of semiconductor detectors and their response to particles and radiation
- Charge transport and signal generation in semiconductors (incl. Ramo theorem and weighting field)
- Strip and pixel detector technology
- Signal processing and noise in semiconductor readout 
- Monolithic pixel detectors
- Radiation damage: physics and measures for mitigation 
- Precision timing with silicon detectors

The focus will be on silicon as semiconductor material. Differences and particularities of other semiconductors will be pointed out. Spin-off applications are touched in passing.