Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Resurgence and Real Topological Strings

Maximilian Schwick , Geneva

In recent years transseries and resurgent methods have proven useful in deciphering non-perturbative information out of perturbative expansions in various areas of mathematical physics like minimal string theory and Matrix Models, topological string theory, but also in quantum field theories. In this talk I will give an introduction to resurgence theory, including the concepts of transseries and their associated Stokes data which can be obtained using alien algebra. I will then illustrate the resurgent formalism using the example of the real topological string by first constructing transseries solutions to the real holomorphic anomaly equations, followed by a discussion of the explicit Stokes transitions.

Physikalische Mathematik (RHIND)
18 Dec 2023, 14:15
Heidelberg Mathematikon Konferenzraum

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